By now, terms such as HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), HARPC (Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventative Controls) and Cold Chain Integrity should be common in everyday vocabulary of all those involved in food industry from producers, retail, cold storage and refrigerated transporters. These terms trace origins back to USDA and FDA , administered today by US FSIS (Food Safety Inspection Services) but have been adopted or derived by global food trading partners in Europe, Asia and Latin America. This has enhanced and raised food standards for the benefit of all of us - from domestic populations, not only peoples in export destinations.
At all times please adhere fully to Country/State/Local Government and Council regulations in your particular market served.
If unavoidable delays for any extended period, then ensure to close rear and side doors and run the unit once more during the delay period.
Adopting all of these suggested best practices will go a long way to ensure the integrity of the cold chain and that transport time will not be the weakest link in the chain. Then we can all enjoy the benefits of healthy life through properly handled foods, medicines and lifestyle.
SuperSnow by Kaixue will be happy to conduct further training or onsite discussions with you, our customer anytime. Please feel free to contact us.